Sponsor A Student
By sponsoring one of our students today, you can make a direct impact on a student’s life and future.
Boston Arts Academy (BAA) was founded on the conviction that academics and the arts are equally important to human development and student achievement. The school’s mission is to prepare a diverse community of aspiring artists, scholars, and citizens to be successful in college, professional careers, and as engaged members of their communities.
As Boston’s only public high school for the visual and performing arts, BAA provides every student with a full college-preparatory curriculum along with an arts major (dance, fashion technology, music, theatre, or visual arts). Our students enter with no academic performance requirements and with a range of needs. Through an innovative curriculum and full inclusion programming, BAA inspires success in both the arts and academics so that our students may thrive and soar.
Boston Arts Academy Foundation must continue to bridge the gap between the school’s allocation from the Boston Public Schools and the true cost of a high-quality education that is both arts-intensive and college preparatory. Continued philanthropic support from generous donors to Boston Arts Academy Foundation is more critical than ever, augmenting Boston Arts Academy’s annual budget and ensuring the school’s long-term financial sustainability. With your support, Boston Arts Academy’s students have the resources they need to achieve their full potential, including enhanced artistic offerings and experiences and access to critical academic and social supports.
Each year, Boston Arts Academy provides artistic and educational programming and opportunities for nearly 500 students.
62% come from economically disadvantaged families.
31% are non-native English speakers.
33% enter high school reading below their grade level.
15% have special needs requiring instructional accommodations.
97% of the class of 2021 was accepted to college.
Your critical support allows us to provide excellence in arts education, sophisticated academic support, and social and emotional services that together result in our 90% graduation rate and 97% of 2021 graduates being accepted to college, many the first in their family to do so.
To sponsor a student, please consider making a gift online or contact Grace Baljon, Director of Individual Giving, at (617) 510-0582 or gbaljon@baafdn.org.
Give today, and transform a student’s life!