Take A Seat
Become a permanent part of BAA's history by taking a seat in our new theatre.
Since 1998, Boston Arts Academy (BAA) has educated more than 2,000 of the city’s most diverse and talented artist-scholar-activists. In 2022, BAA celebrated the grand opening of a state-of-the-art school at 174 Ipswich Street—in the heart of Boston’s Fenway neighborhood.
We're inviting supporters to become a permanent part of BAA's history by taking a seat in our new theatre.
By making a one time donation of $1,000 or monthly recurring payment, your name of choice will be inscribed on a plaque on your selected seat in the theatre.
Most importantly, your donation will support BAA's students as they become the next generation of leaders.
The Boston Arts Academy Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Learn more about the theatre
The fully accessible, 500-seat theatre will host countless student and community performances and has been carefully designed to serve as the city’s largest classroom of its kind. BAA’s students will learn from faculty who are also talented professional artists. Students will perfect their craft as singers, instrumentalists, dancers, fashion designers, filmmakers, lighting and sound engineers, stage managers, and more.
How to become part of BAA's future
Become a part of BAA’s history and future when you:
List your name or that of a family member
Memorialize a loved one
Pay tribute to a special BAA faculty member or administrator
Commemorate a special occasion
Name your seat in honor of a BAA student