Stacy Swasey
Associate Dean of Health and Wellness
Stacy Swasey is a Clinical Social Worker in the Health and Wellness Office. Bilingual in Spanish and English, Stacy has been practicing since 2008 when she completed her Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work at Simmons College. For the first four years of her career, Stacy delivered Family Stabilization and Support Services and In-Home Therapy to families in Greater Boston. She found this to be a rich professional experience that helped build a strong clinical foundation and informs her current work at BAA. In her role, Stacy offers individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, case management, and classroom-based social and emotional supports. A passion for and commitment to social justice, strengths-based and empowerment focused practices, and innovative work with youth and families drive Stacy’s professional endeavors. She is extremely grateful to love her work, and is excited to continue to learn and grow as a school-based social worker.