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Year-end Reflection: there's more work to be done to help make BAA's future bright


Dear Friends of BAA and BAA Foundation:

As we wrap up 2022, I want to share my deepest appreciation and gratitude for you, and to wish you a healthy and happy holiday season.

The end of the year invites a time of reflection. This year was monumental for Boston Arts Academy, as the students finally moved into their new school building during BAA’s 25th Anniversary year. We also were able to provide impactful opportunities with the support from friends like you, such as Ruth Carter's master class, a visit to NBC’s studio and Dr. Boger’s underwater photography exhibit, summer camp at performing arts training center Stagedoor Manor, and much more.

There is still more work to do. BAA Foundation must continue to raise funds to cover the cost of arts resources, faculty, programming and more, including social-emotional and academic support services. With $260,000 to go to meet our year-end goal, we need your continued support to do our most important work in supporting our city’s next generation of artists, scholars, and global citizens.

You can make a direct impact by extending a hand and opening your wallet:

  • $25 | Easel to hold a Fashion or Visual Artist’s next masterpiece

  • $100 | Pointe shoes for Dance Majors to wear on the dance studio’s sprung floors

  • $250 | Pilates equipment in BAA’s first-ever gymnasium

  • $500 | Drum set in the sound-proofed Recording Studio

  • $1,000 | 3D printer for the STEAM Lab, teaching math and science through the artistic process

  • $2,500 | A student’s semester of rigorous arts and academic learning at BAA

Take it from BAA Senior and Dance Major, Ariya Patel, on how your dollars make an impact: “I love to dance because I’m shy, and dance is a way to show people who I am, how creative I can be. I feel free when I dance. It is the only time I can be myself. BAA has shown me what I’m capable of, and how I can express myself.”

This is your chance to help other students like Ariya. We invite you to give securely online at our BAA Foundation website, or write a check payable to Boston Arts Academy Foundation mailed to: Boston Arts Academy Foundation, 126 Brookline Ave, 3rd Floor, Boston MA 02215.

The future is bright, but not without support from friends like you. I hope you join us in ensuring the school’s financial sustainability and resources for the students to help them achieve their full potential.

Gratefully yours,

Denella Clark, President & CEO
Boston Arts Academy Foundation

“My experience as a young teacher at BAA filled a big gap in my education: art. I learned to appreciate and connect with artists and artistic processes.”

Marc Seiden
BAA Faculty, 1999-2009 & 2013-2014

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Boston Arts Academy Foundation

Talent is evenly distributed in society, but not opportunity. Help us change that reality in Boston.

Make a 100% tax-deductible donation to support Boston students. Contact us at (617) 763-1151.

Prefer to mail a check?

Make checks payable to Boston Arts Academy Foundation

126 Brookline Ave. 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02215
